It Was A Tuesday.

The 13 inch color TV left over from high school and college.

The warm shower.  Him shouting but I'm not understanding; the shower is too loud. 

Me standing in the living room, hair dripping, wrapped in a maroon colored towel staring at the TV screen. Strange. How did the commuter plane not see the Trade Center? 

Blow drying my hair. Him shouting from the living room, again. What?? 

The 13 inch color TV left over from high school and college: ¶•¥†!#¢º–≠£™≥`ª•`º¡¡ •¶§∞$*&)∞ºª•¡¡º•≥…æø…ºª•¶§∞¢

Dressing for work and driving to the office. The radio: #¢º–≠£™≥`ª•`º•¶§∞$*&)!%^

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Dialing DC to reach my parents: &)!%^  •≥…æø…ºª•¶§∞¢  

Looking over my grey cubicle and not drinking coffee.

Just leave it on CNN.
My monitor isn't working, can you get facilities here! 
Board meeting via conference call. Check everyone's calendars; this is mandatory. 
I can't reach the ad agency. Try from your phone, are you still getting a signal? 
Has anyone reached the New Jersey office? 
Keep trying!
The phone lines are busy. They're all busy! 

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Want to go get an ice cream? 


I sat that afternoon in the middle of a field in Redmond (it's all developed now) eating a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone with a handful of colleagues. The sky was, maybe, blue and the weather was probably a perfect fall-like day. I just saw and felt static. It was loud.


  1. Thank you for this. You've captured the weird chaos of that day, and something of the feelings of horror and despair.

    1. <3 xo I don't remember everything from that day. It's like I blacked out in parts, but the parts I do remember are very vivid.


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