It's Been A Slow Summer, Let Me Take Your Headshot, And Discontinued Acros (RIP)

This has been a slow summer. Not a lot going on and no major trips or events, just a lot of hanging out in the sunshine and playing in the garden with the pup and reading.  Feels like it's going by too fast though. With little to no smoke this year (so far) or 110 degree weather, it feels like a perfect staycation. It truly is beautiful here and feel very lucky to live in such a lovely place. 

Also, let me take your headshot.  

Am not sure what happened here to be honest, but if you need a headshot for LinkedIn and don't want anyone to know what you look like - I'm here to help. 

And, one of my last rolls of Acros (not II but the original) [insert crying emoji here].  It's one of my favorite black and white films and I remember when you could get a roll for like... $8, but this was pre-pandemic. The film world has changed a lot since then.  The price of film and developing has easily added about 25% + to the cost of each. It seems the new Acros II is priced all over the place depending on which place you go to. May have to eventually try it. 

Also, did you know that shooting film is en vogue again? (read: sarcastic)

My goal is to shoot this roll (36 frames!) by end of October. That seems like a long time, right? Well, anyone who's shot 36 frames in a manual camera will know that it feels endless when out photographing. Actually, that's more depending if you know what you're going to capture and I don't know quite yet. 

The film expired in 2018 but it's been in my fridge. Sitting there. Patient. So, it's not out of the fridge and ready to be loaded up into the Pentax. 

Also, this semi-truck is for sale and I wonder what they would do if I just walked up to the office and said, "I'll take it!" 

Thank you to everyone that keeps encouraging me to photograph, it helps. You know who you are. <3  


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